Change/Crisis Management

Do you need help right now? We’re ready.

What is Change/Crisis Management?

In today’s dynamic technology landscape, there is no doubt that technology is evolving at a breakneck pace. When change or crisis strikes, they can bring confusion and chaos to an organisation.

Apolinar can provide

  1. Online surveying to gauge your readiness for change.

  2. Conduct individual interviews with key stakeholders and the teams affected.

  3. Identify challenges and opportunities within your current processes and ways of working.

  4. Review your organisational structure, individual and team KPIs, and methods to measure their performance.

  5. Insight and recommendations on structure, processes, and ways of working.

  6. Short-term, remote coaching to help with transitioning.

  7. Assistance with defining and recruiting new roles.



Why It Matters

If your change/crisis management plan isn’t up to date, your organisation may struggle to respond if crisis strikes at the worst possible time.

Assessing your current challenges/crisis can reveal the significant opportunities that will benefit your operations in the future.

What you get:

  • Immediate, urgent help and support right now if needed.

  • Critical support as your organisation adjusts to the post COVID-19 environment.

  • True partnership towards your desired outcomes.